Support Others
How Can We Support Each Other's Big Name Speakers
speakers should not conflict with NYMACC events.
NYMACC will support individual clubs via the calendar of club events, other ways will be discussed.
NYMACC is more of a supportive organization
• what we can ask of these speakers:
to set up a tour of local clubs within a short time period
offer to pick them up from public transportation if they don't drive
invite them around the time a large conference, such as PhotoPlus, so they are already in the area
• what we can do within our clubs:
fee schedule:
depends on club's finances
look for sponsored speaker from, i.e. Canon, DSO, etc.
when speaker is too expensive for club, arrange for the speaker to do a workshop around the
presentation time at a cost he/she determines to make up the difference.
finding speakers:
have a program chair who is comfortable approaching speakers
create a program committee
reach out to clubs in your club's local area, think beyond the state's borders, to collaborate. For example: Rockland, Duchess Counties are close to New Jersey